terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2012

The truth

Human Being feels ungrounded when everybody around him disagree with his point of view until then defended by him like the absolute truth. Absolute truth doesn't exist. Man must often wonder why about the reason of the things and be flexible in his opinion to improve it like the polishing of a stone. Knowledge it's a key tool in this process, like the gathering of ideas, each of one of them came out from a different source and when they got all together it becomes more destilated, more dense. Even though, this opinion isn't absolute, because it changes from being to being. Point of view from each one is based in this way, as well the Blacksmith blows metals and forge the sword, the Being must gather informations and shape his opinion, but must remember that this sword can be broken. The Greatest fool is who think that he can own the truth, even though it doesn't even exist.

sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012

Der Stern

Heute sehe ich den Stern Helligkeit
Morgen werde ich den Stern finden:
Ich werde den Star sein!

Nicht von jetzt beginnen
Die Umwandlung der Sterne
diejenigen, die nicht wissen, dass zu sterben nur diese ist

Nathan Rodrigues Ramos - A Estrela

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012

A beleza da vida encontra-se nas ilusões, porque quando nos voltamos a realidade, toda magia dos detalhes se torna comum.